Corey + Emily

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Mighty Yellowstone

Day 20 – Corey’s Entry – May 2 – 8:11pm – Basin Station Cabin – Gallatin National Forest, Wyoming 

“Wagon Wheel” is playing on the radio and I’m in love. Snow covers the side roads and mountain peaks. It’s been wild these past few days.

Emily and I are staying in a cabin in Montana that holds a special place in my heart called the Basin Station Cabin just outside of Yellowstone. I feel like a pioneer in this cabin. I split wood outside as Emily gets dinner ready before dark, with mountains surrounding us. We like to think we really could live there. People really don’t need electricity or running water to call a place Home. Last night I danced on the wooden floor in my brown boots simply happy. We also woke up to the sound of far off howling wolves or coyotes last night, but it was fine and we fell back asleep.

That night, I also discovered a new camera technique. I used the nearly full moon as my light source. I was trying to capture stars and clicked a long exposure to see what I could get. To my surprise, the scene captured was vibrant! There were so many colors and stars too.

I’m so glad we have two nights in Yellowstone. Yesterday, we drove around the park all day. Bison were everywhere. I’ve never seen one so close up. I especially like their beards. Em said they move around like they’re on autopilot. I agree. “Buffalo don’t care about your car.“

Then I saw my first grizzly bear. The massive guy sauntered along the riverbank. I’m glad I got at least one shaky shot.

There’s so much wildlife in Yellowstone. The animals here seem so wild and free, the landscapes are breathtaking, and I feel so at peace out here.

Sometimes I think I lost my head in Los Angeles. Now I feel clear and alive. I’m in love.

Day 21 – Emily’s Entry – May 3 – 8:03am - Basin Station Cabin – Gallatin National Forest, Wyoming

We leave Basin Station cabin today for the Tetons. Yellowstone was mighty. We spent the last two nights in a cabin from the 1930’s used for years by the Forest Rangers in the Gallatin National Forest outside of Yellowstone National Park. The cabin has no electricity or running water, but it felt like Home. We haven’t stayed anywhere for more than 3 nights in over 3 weeks, so it was nice to settle in for 2 nights.

Yesterday, we drove to Old Faithful. She was right on time.

We also visited the incredible prismatic thermal geysers and pools. These pools, some over 200ºF, have every color. The centers are crystal blue and range in color to the outer rings including vibrant crimson greens, yellows, oranges, and reds. The sulfur-smelling steam escaped from the pools in a glorious way. I’ve never seen anything like it.

In the park, we saw bison, elk, deer, birds, marmots, and a grizzly bear. The entire park has an ancient feeling. You could easily imagine enormous dinosaurs walking around making the bison look like mice. I would love to backpack through Yellowstone one day.

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